Don't just change the world. Evolve it!

We need your help to build a world that we can all thrive in. We can show you how!
With a simple creative practice, you can use the best of your hard-won experience, knowledge and skills to help re-imagine the world we live in.

Get Started
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Getting Started

A creative practice is a simple set of steps that you can take to start using your best experience, knowledge and skills to improve the world. Here's how you can get started:

  • Learn what it means to begin your creative practice with this article. I wrote this a few years ago and it remains one of the clearest explanations available of what we're trying to do and why we're trying to do it.
  • Join our online community, The Tensegrity, even if you're just thinking about starting a creative practice. It's free and you can always delete your account later if you want.
  • Check out our Work That Needs Doing section to see what projects you might be interested in. You're coming into this on the ground floor, as they say, so your unique experience, knowledge and skills are integral to making this work.
  • Start your own creative practice by creating, contributing to or adapting an open artifacts project. Help spread the word so the community grows and there are more collaborative opportunities.

About Evolve The World

Evolve the World is an open artifacts project intended to bootstrap the infrastructure and community needed to grow a thriving evolutionary design movement. Our goals:

  • Help cultural creators like you start your creative practice.
  • Build the tools—like the Open Artifacts Hub—needed to support cultural creators.
  • Build a community of cultural creators using their creative energy for good.
  • Encourage the creation and development of lots of open artifacts projects.
  • Form local evolutionary design groups that use open artifacts to build a better world.

We envision a world where everyday people are actively participating in humanity's evolution toward a world that works for all humanity, where all life experiences a high quality of life.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Check out our online community: The Tensegrity

Tensegrity is our community on Hylo where you can ask questions, connect with others looking to create a better world, and even float ideas for new open artifacts projects. Come hang out with us!

Work That Needs Doing

These are projects that are directly related to our goal of building up the infrastructure needed to create a thriving evolutionary design movement. We invite you to look at the work that needs to doing and see what might be yours to do.

Evolve The World | View on Github

Yes, this website and project. We have a lot of plans for how this project can be more effective, but we need your help to make it happen. View the project's list of Work That Needs Doing.

Open Artifacts Inititive | View on Github

The Open Artifacts Initiative will define what open artifacts are, provide information on licenses, and otherwise promote the creation and use of open artifacts. We want this to be a place people can go to learn about open artifacts because we think they will have a lot of questions. We could use a lot of help moving this from an idea to a useful website.

Open Artifacts Hub | View on Github

This project builds and maintains a website listing open artifacts projects so that cultural creators can more easily find work that needs doing as part of their creative practice. We need help with both building a flat-file database system and populating that database with information about existing open artifacts projects.

Evolutionary Design Group Manual

View on Github

Evolutionary design groups are where the rubber meets the road in evolutionary design. Our creative practices and open artifacts are just playing with ideas until we actually implement them in the real world. In an evolutionary design group, members agree to use part of their creative practice learning about the needs of their local community and adapting open artifacts projects (or creating new ones) to meet those needs. This project intends to create a resource manual to help these groups form and thrive.